git commit --amend --author 'Author Name <>' --no-edit
Sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement
Sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement
To contribute to this project the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) must be signed. This document will walk you through this process.
First, you need to create an Eclipse Foundation account.
Go to the Eclipse Registration page
Fill all Required fields and submit
Eclipse expects you to use the entered E-Mail address for every contribution, e.q. for git
Activate your account via the activation link in your mailbox
The sender should be with the subject Eclipse Account Registration
You are one step away from becoming an Eclipse Contributor, we just need to sign the ECA.
Sign the ECA
Signing the ECA is straightforward and is done online.
Navigate to the login page of Eclipse Accounts page
Login with your E-Mail address and password
Eclipse Accounts navigates you directly to the sign page
Read the ECA
Enter the requested information
Submit via Accept button
Now the Status panel in the upper right corner should show that you signed the Eclipse Contributor Agreement. It should look like this:
ECA Sign check failed, but why?
For every pull request, a GitHub Action verifies that the author signed the Eclipse Contributor Agreement. This can fail if:
You have not got an Eclipse Account
You have not signed the Eclipse Contributor Agreement
You have configured git to use a different E-Mail address than you used to sign the ECA
setting for git must equal to that used for your Eclipse Foundation account. See Setting your commit email address for more information
If none of the above is the case, feel free to reach out to the maintainers.
How to change the author E-Mail address for existing commits
In order for the ECA check to pass, all commits in the pull request must have been authored with the E-Mail address used to sign the ECA.
To change the author for the last commit:
To change the author for the last N commits:
git rebase -i HEAD~4 -x "git commit --amend --author 'Author Name <>' --no-edit"
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