Install Eclipse Temurin™

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# Install the latest version
$winget install EclipseAdoptium.Temurin.21.JDK

# Install a different version
$winget install EclipseAdoptium.Temurin.11.JDK

# Upgrade the Winget package
$winget upgrade EclipseAdoptium.Temurin.21.JDK

# Uninstall the Winget package
$winget uninstall EclipseAdoptium.Temurin.21.JDK
Read documentation

Eclipse Temurin is available for download in multiple installation package formats:

The binaries are supported on the architectures and operating systems listed in Supported Platforms. If you’re migrating to Temurin, you can learn about the differences between Oracle JDK and Temurin in our Migration Guide and any steps that you might need to take.


Installers are currently available for Windows® and macOS® JDK and JRE packages. Installation steps are covered in the following sections:

Auteurs de la documentation
  • gdams
  •  karianna
  •  tellison
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